If you report an issue, we can't recreate it locally or see it on our Demo Site, so we have no choice but to test the clients' site.  

Please note that we avoid testing Live or Production Sites as the testing process can easily break down the site, and we won't be able to restore it. The only exception is if the client agrees and acknowledges the risks involved. In cases where we need to reset the database ( delete everything ), this won't be possible. 

The testing process is as follows:

1. We update WordPress, theme, and plugins if updates are available.

2. We may reupload WordPress, theme, and plugins to rule out missing or corrupted files.

3. We deactivate Child Theme and Third Party plugins to rule out conflicts with Custom Code or Third party assets. 

4. We clear all types of cache - Browser, CDN (the client does this), Hosting ( some hostings offer a plugin ), Elementor Experiences ( this is the cache of the plugin Elementor )

5. After we completed the previous 4 points, we started testing the reported problem.

6. If the issue is related to the configuration, we may ask for FTP credentials or give you instructions on what kind of help you need from the hosting company. 

7. If the issue is related to faulty settings, we may need to reset the database, 

Please note that we may not always be able to help with issues related to third-party plugins, child themes, custom code, configuration issues, or others unrelated to the theme and bundled plugin problems.